Long time no post. Oops. I've decided that while Laurie is off to Italy (me = jealous) I'm going to blog more so that when she comes back she can catch up on what, if anything, happened while she was gone.
First, here is a print I finished yesterday. I took a photograph of a bottle and illustrated it. I used my Riso carbon pens to make an illustration with 3 overlays. The challenge I had was to create areas of shade that would define the bottle shape in a simplified way. I did a project similar to this in college and enjoyed it then. Now that I know more about the print process from work, it was much easier to visualize the end result. I switched ink colors and papers as I did the run. I only ended up with about 15 prints and had some screen snags (literally) in the process. I'm hoping to sell a few prints and recoup my materials costs. We'll see.
I do have other projects to do as well. I have a commission (is it still a commission if a family member wants you to make an art piece?) to create a silk screen print as a gift for someone. I've been invited to make a print for this project. I'm really into this one. Printmakers are each creating a 6 inch square print of an element in the Periodic Table. My element is Californium and I'm playing around with imagery that says "earthquake". Finally, I have several ongoing graphic design projects. Literature for The Madison Trust for Historic Preservation, packaging for Boh Bon Soap Co. and a logo for a local photographer. It's GREAT to be busy!