Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Portfolio Work (Midwest)

I have been a busy bee these days. I have been building a local client base steadily for the last 6 or so months. My plan is to have a pretty full plate of design work come September of 2010. That's when all three of my kids will be in school full time! (No time to cry about that today, but it's a comin'.) I could spend my days getting manicures and watching Oprah, but I can't wait to be working again. Yes. I'm a design dork.

Anyhoo, I find it so interesting how my photography is working it's way into my graphic design work. Yesterday, I photographed some packaging samples for my portfolio. I have no studio lighting, so I had to work with available window light and white foam core for bouncing that light. All this time I spend behind the camera is really paying off. Though these aren't perfect, I feel like I was able to work with what I had and make a presentable solution.

Also, It was fun to go through my file cabinet and leaf through labels, boxes and other samples. When I pull out a sample I have all these fond memories of my old clients and the times Laurie and I spent working for them. I miss those days. And Laurie, I miss you the most. I'm glad we are going to be together in New York for a whole week!

1 comment:

Queen Bee Laurie said...

I am so impressed with all your shots. They are so professional! Great work! It is fun to see all the years of hard work. Many fun times!