Julie over at
perfectbound tagged me. Thanks Julie, and no, I've never been tagged before. This is so exciting. Here it goes...
First, I'm supposed to post the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names, and links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
My five things about me. I'm not sure if they are even interesting but here it goes right off the top of my head.
1. My real name is Elizabeth. When I was two or so we lived in an apartment which was previously the home of a little girl named Amy. I never met her. This Amy had name tags identifying her places in the home. Y'know, under towel hooks, pegs, coat hangers, etc. I always wanted my stuff in the Amy spots. Then, I started insisting I be called Amy, introducing myself that way. I guess it stuck.
2. I don't care for seafood. Since I dislike an entire food category I'm often (mistakenly) taken for being a picky eater.
3. When walking somewhere I have an obsession with crossing the street at the earliest convenience. If my destination is 5 blocks away and on the opposite side of the street it will drive me nuts if I can't walk the 5 blocks on the correct side of the street, the one the destination is on.
4. I'm finding it very easy to write about myself.
5. I've always had a weakness for men with crutches. By crutches I mean the kind the doctor gives out when someone breaks a leg. I know, it's weird.
Let's see, I need to tag some folks now. I'm going to tag my bested buddy, business partner and blogmate,
Laurie. Also, I'm tagging
Stephanie at Tepimade. Her etchings are so beautiful. And, talented
Jenn at AzureGrackle. Lastly, I'm going to tag
Poppy Letterpress. I'm sorry I don't know her name, but she's a graphic designer who is enjoying getting immersed in the letterpress world and is blogging about it. We are living somewhat parallel lives.