Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Low Tech (West Coast)

First, Happy Birthday Amy! I hope you had a fun day. It is fun to have a day to celebrate yourself, go out to lunch or dinner with family and friends. I hope you had a good one.

Second topic, is related to my Letterpress adventures. Drying space is scarce in our small house. Our garage is the safest place to dry my cards, however it is not the cleanest space. I have come up with a solution that is working for the moment. As long as there isn't a big breeze, or kids with balls nearby. I have been saving our crates from trips to Costco and I am using these to stack the cards in. They are portable, and usually pretty clean. Pretty funny to see them all laid out though!

1 comment:

Queen Bee Amy said...

Well now, that works. :)