Tuesday, April 08, 2008

A Day at the Press (West Coast)

Hear is the one of my first prints from my letterpress. I have been following Amy's great instructions and having a fun time trying to work out the kinks. So far I have learned quite a bit. I have been printing from the same plate all week, trying to get a better print each day. Today was not a good day. Yesterday was better. It is funny how that works.

My kids are off from school today, and Katie has made a formal schedule for us that is packed full of game playing, crafts and relaxing time. It should be a really fun day. I have a back log of small design projects waiting for me on Thursday. I have to wait until Friday to try my letterpress again.


Queen Bee Amy said...


Seriously, your card looks fantastic. I would buy one. :) Great job.

Queen Bee Laurie said...

Why thanks Miss Amy!